SCR is designed to support MPI applications that write application-level checkpoint and output datasets. All processes must access data in a globally-coordinated fashion, and in fact, many SCR calls are implicit collectives over all processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD. In a given dataset, each process may write zero or more files, but the current implementation is most efficient when all processes write the same amount of data. Multiple processes can access a given file, though significant performance is gained by applications that use file-per-process access patterns, where each file is only accessed by a single “owner” process.

Parallel file systems allow any process in an MPI job to read/write any byte of a file at any time. However, most applications do not require this full generality. SCR supplies API calls that enable the application to specify limits on its data access in both time and space. Start and complete calls indicate when an application needs to write or read its data. Files in the dataset cannot be accessed outside of these markers. Additionally, for best performance, each MPI process may only access files written by itself or another process having the same MPI rank in a previous run. In this mode, an MPI process cannot access files written by a process having a different MPI rank. SCR can provide substantial improvements in I/O performance by enabling an application to specify its limits on when and where it needs to access its data.

The API is designed to be simple, scalable, and portable. It consists of a small number of function calls to wrap existing application I/O logic. Unless otherwise stated, SCR functions are collective, meaning all processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD must call the function synchronously. The underlying implementation may or may not be synchronous, but to be portable, an application must treat a collective call as though it is synchronous. This constraint enables the SCR implementation to utilize the full resources of the job in a collective manner to optimize performance at critical points such as computing redundancy data.

In the sections below, we show the function prototypes for C and Fortran. Applications written in C should include scr.h, and Fortran applications should include scrf.h. Unless otherwise noted, all functions return SCR_SUCCESS if successful.

For Python applications, an Python module wraps the functions of the C interface. This module is located in the share/scr/python directory of an SCR installation. A file and an program in the same directory illustrate how one uses the module. Python users should also be familiar with the API documentation in this section.

Startup and Shutdown API


int SCR_Init(void);

Initialize the SCR library. This function must be called after MPI_Init. A process should only call SCR_Init once during its execution. It is not valid to call any SCR function before calling SCR_Init, except for SCR_Config.

The SCR library applies its configuration settings during SCR_Init, so any SCR parameters must be specified before calling SCR_Init. On runs restarted within an allocation, SCR_Init rebuilds any cached datasets.


int SCR_Finalize(void);

Shut down the SCR library. This function must be called before MPI_Finalize. A process should only call SCR_Finalize once during its execution.

If SCR_FLUSH is enabled, SCR_Finalize flushes any datasets to the prefix directory if necessary. It updates the halt file to indicate that SCR_Finalize has been called. This halt condition prevents the job from restarting (see Halt a job).


const char* SCR_Config(const char* config);
const char* SCR_Configf(const char* format, ...);

Configure the SCR library. Most of the SCR configuration parameters listed in Configure a job can be set, queried, and unset at run time using SCR_Config. The application can make multiple calls to SCR_Config, including for the same SCR configuration parameter. All calls to SCR_Config to set or unset parameter values must occur before the application calls SCR_Init. One may call SCR_Config to query parameter values before and after SCR_Init has been called. This function is collective, and all processes must provide identical values for config.

There are two forms of SCR configuration parameters: a simple form that consists of a single key/value pair and a multi-item form that consists of a parent key/value pair and set of child key/value pairs.

To set a simple parameter, one specifies a parameter name and its value in the form of a key=value string as the config argument. For example, passing the string SCR_FLUSH=10 sets SCR_FLUSH to the value of 10. The = character is allowed as part of the value if the value is a string. For example, passing the string SCR_PREFIX="/my/dir/with/=/sign" sets SCR_PREFIX to the value of “/my/dir/with/=/sign”.

If one sets the same parameter with multiple calls to SCR_Config, SCR applies the most recent value. When setting a parameter, for C applications, SCR_Config always returns NULL. For Fortran applications, IERROR is always set to SCR_SUCCESS.

To query the value of a simple parameter, one specifies just the parameter name as the string in config. For example, one can specify the string SCR_FLUSH to query its current value. When querying a value, for C applications, the call allocates and returns a pointer to a string holding the value of the parameter. The caller is responsible for calling free to release the returned string. If the parameter has not been set, NULL is returned. For Fortran applications, the value is returned as a string in the VAL argument.

To unset the value of a simple parameter, one specifies the parameter name with an empty value in the form of a key= string as the config argument. For example, to unset the value assigned to SCR_FLUSH, specify the string SCR_FLUSH=. Unsetting a parameter removes any value that was assigned by a prior call to SCR_Config, but it does not unset the parameter value that has been set through other means, like an environment variable or in a configuration file (see Configure a job). When unsetting a value, for C applications, SCR_Config always returns NULL. For Fortran applications, IERROR is always set to SCR_SUCCESS.

Multi-item parameters like CKPT can be set using a sequence of key=value pairs that are separated by spaces. For example, to define a CKPT redundancy descriptor, one can pass a string such as CKPT=0 TYPE=XOR SET_SIZE=16.

To query a subvalue of a multi-item parameter, one must specify the parent level key=value pair followed by the name of the child key being queried. For instance, to get the type of the redundancy scheme of redundancy descriptor 0, one can specify the string CKPT=0 TYPE.

For C applications, SCR_Configf provides a formatted string variant of SCR_Config. The caller can use printf-style formatting patterns to define the string, as in SCR_Configf("SCR_FLUSH=%d", 10). This call otherwise behaves the same as SCR_Config.

File Routing API

When files are under control of SCR, they may be written to or exist on different levels of the storage hierarchy at different points in time. For example, a checkpoint might be written first to the RAM disk of a compute node and then later transferred to the parallel file system by SCR. In order for an application to discover where a file should be written to or read from, one calls the SCR_Route_file routine.

The precise behavior of SCR_Route_file varies depending on the current state of SCR. Depending on the calling context, sections below extend the definition as described in this section. This section describes general information about SCR_Route_file that applies in all contexts.


int SCR_Route_file(const char* name, char* file);

A process calls SCR_Route_file to obtain the full path and file name it must use to access a file. A call to SCR_Route_file is local to the calling process; it is not a collective call.

The name of the file that the process intends to access must be passed in the name argument. This must be a relative or absolute path that specifies the location of the file on the parallel file system. If given a relative path, SCR prepends the current working directory at the time SCR_Route_file is called. This path must resolve to a location under the prefix directory.

A pointer to a character buffer of at least SCR_MAX_FILENAME bytes must be passed in file. When a call to SCR_Route_file returns, the full path and file name to access the file named in name is written to the buffer pointed to by file. The process must use the character string returned in file to access the file.

If SCR_Route_file is called outside of output and restart phases, i.e., outside of a Start/Complete pair, the string in name is copied verbatim into the output buffer file.

The application does not need to create any directories in the path returned in file. The SCR library creates any needed directories before returning from SCR_Route_file.

In the current implementation, SCR only changes the directory portion of name when storing files in cache. It extracts the base name of the file by removing any directory components in name. Then it prepends a cache directory to the base file name and returns the full path and file name in file.

Checkpoint/Output API

Here we describe the SCR API functions that are used for writing checkpoint and output datasets. In addition to checkpoints, it may be useful for an application to write its output datasets through SCR to utilize asynchronous transfers to the parallel file system. This lets the application return to computation while the SCR library migrates the dataset to the parallel file system in the background.

Using a combination of bit flags, a dataset can be designated as a checkpoint, output, or both. The checkpoint property means that the dataset can be used to restart the application. The output property means that the dataset must be written to the prefix directory.

If a user specifies that a dataset is a checkpoint only, then SCR may delete an older checkpoint to store a more recent checkpoint without having first copied the older checkpoint to the prefix directory. SCR may thus discard some checkpoints from cache without persisting them to the parallel file system. In cases where one can write checkpoints to cache much faster than one can write checkpoints to the parallel file system, discarding defensive checkpoints in this way allows the application to checkpoint more frequently, which can significantly improve run time efficiency.

If a user specifies that a dataset is for output only, the dataset will first be cached and protected with its corresponding redundancy scheme. Then the dataset will be copied to the prefix directory. When the transfer to the prefix directory is complete, the cached copy of the output dataset can be deleted.

If the user specifies that the dataset is both a checkpoint and output, then SCR uses a hybrid approach. The dataset is copied to the prefix directory as output, but it is also kept in cache according to the policy set in the configuration for checkpoints. For example, if the user configures SCR to keep three checkpoints in cache, then the dataset will be preserved in cache until it is replaced by a newer checkpoint after three more checkpoint phases.


int SCR_Need_checkpoint(int* flag);

Since the failure frequency and the cost of checkpointing vary across platforms, SCR_Need_checkpoint provides a portable way for an application to determine whether a checkpoint should be taken. This function is passed a pointer to an integer in flag. Upon returning from SCR_Need_checkpoint, flag is set to the value 1 if a checkpoint should be taken, and it is set to 0 otherwise. The call returns the same value in flag on all processes.

Various configuration settings determine the conditions in which SCR_Need_checkpoint sets flag to 1. See SCR_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL, SCR_CHECKPOINT_SECONDS, and SCR_CHECKPOINT_OVERHEAD in Configure a job.


int SCR_Start_output(char* name, int flags);

Inform SCR that a new output phase is about to start. A process must call this function before it creates any files belonging to the dataset. SCR_Start_output must be called by all processes, including processes that do not write files as part of the dataset.

The caller can provide a name for the dataset in name. It is recommended to define names that are user-friendly, since an end user may need to read and type these names at times. The name value must be less than SCR_MAX_FILENAME characters. All processes must provide identical values in name. In C, the application may pass NULL for name in which case SCR generates a default name for the dataset based on its internal dataset id.

The dataset can be output, a checkpoint, or both. The caller specifies these properties using SCR_FLAG_OUTPUT and SCR_FLAG_CHECKPOINT bit flags. Additionally, a SCR_FLAG_NONE flag is defined for initializing variables. In C, these values can be combined with the | bitwise OR operator. In Fortran, these values can be added together using the + sum operator. Note that with Fortran, the values should be used at most once in the addition. All processes must provide identical values in flags.

This function should be called as soon as possible when initiating a new output dataset. The SCR implementation uses this call as the starting point to time the cost of the checkpoint in order to optimize the checkpoint frequency via SCR_Need_checkpoint.

Each call to SCR_Start_output must be followed by a corresponding call to SCR_Complete_output.

In the current implementation, SCR_Start_output holds all processes at an MPI_Barrier to ensure that all processes are ready to start the output before it deletes cached files from a previous checkpoint.


int SCR_Route_file(const char* name, char* file);

A process must call SCR_Route_file for each file it writes as part of the output dataset. It is valid for a process to call SCR_Route_file multiple times for the same file.

When called within an output phase, between SCR_Start_output and SCR_Complete_output, SCR_Route_file registers the file as part of the output dataset.

A process does not need to create any directories listed in the string returned in file. The SCR implementation creates any necessary directories before it returns from SCR_Route_file. After returning from SCR_Route_file, the process may create and open the target file for writing.


int SCR_Complete_output(int valid);

Inform SCR that all files for the current dataset output are complete (i.e., done writing and closed) and whether they are valid (i.e., written without error). A process must close all files in the dataset before calling SCR_Complete_output, and it may no longer access its dataset files upon calling SCR_Complete_output. SCR_Complete_output must be called by all processes, including processes that did not write any files as part of the output.

The parameter valid should be set to 1 either if the calling process wrote all of its files successfully or if it wrote no files during the output phase. Otherwise, the process should call SCR_Complete_output with valid set to 0. SCR determines whether all processes wrote their output files successfully. SCR_Complete_output only returns SCR_SUCCESS if all processes called with valid set to 1, meaning that all processes succeeded in their output. The call returns the same value on all processes.

Each call to SCR_Complete_output must be preceded by a corresponding call to SCR_Start_output. The SCR implementation uses this call as the stopping point to time the cost of the checkpoint that started with the preceding call to SCR_Start_output.

In the current implementation, SCR applies the redundancy scheme during SCR_Complete_output. The dataset is then flushed to the prefix directory if needed.

Restart API

Here we describe the SCR API functions used for restarting applications.


int SCR_Have_restart(int* flag, char* name);

This function indicates whether SCR has a checkpoint available for the application to read. This function is passed a pointer to an integer in flag. Upon returning from SCR_Have_restart, flag is set to the value 1 if a checkpoint is available, and it is set to 0 otherwise. The call returns the same value in flag on all processes.

A pointer to a character buffer of at least SCR_MAX_FILENAME bytes can be passed in name. If there is a checkpoint, and if that checkpoint was assigned a name when it was created, SCR_Have_restart returns the name of that checkpoint in name. The value returned in name is the same string that was passed to SCR_Start_output when the checkpoint was created. The same value is returned in name on all processes. In C, one may optionally pass NULL to this function to avoid returning the name.


int SCR_Start_restart(char* name);

This function informs SCR that a restart operation is about to start. A process must call this function before it opens any files belonging to the restart. SCR_Start_restart must be called by all processes, including processes that do not read files as part of the restart.

SCR returns the name of the loaded checkpoint in name. A pointer to a character buffer of at least SCR_MAX_FILENAME bytes can be passed in name. The value returned in name is the same string that was passed to SCR_Start_output when the checkpoint was created. The same value is returned in name on all processes. In C, one may optionally pass NULL to this function to avoid returning the name.

One may only call SCR_Start_restart when SCR_Have_restart indicates that there is a checkpoint to read. SCR_Start_restart returns the same value in name as the preceding call to SCR_Have_restart.

Each call to SCR_Start_restart must be followed by a corresponding call to SCR_Complete_restart.


int SCR_Route_file(const char* name, char* file);

A process must call SCR_Route_file for each file it reads during restart. It is valid for a process to call SCR_Route_file multiple times for the same file.

When called within a restart phase, between SCR_Start_restart and SCR_Complete_restart, SCR checks whether the file exists and is readable. In this mode, SCR_Route_file returns an error code if the file does not exist or is not readable.

It is recommended to provide the relative or absolute path to the file under the prefix directory in name. However, for backwards compatibility, the caller may provide only a file name in name, even if prepending the current working directory to the file name does not resolve to the correct path to the file on the parallel file system. Using just the file name, SCR internally looks up the full path to the file using SCR metadata for the currently loaded checkpoint. This usage is deprecated, and it may be not be supported in future releases.


int SCR_Complete_restart(int valid);

This call informs SCR that the process has finished reading its checkpoint files. A process must close all restart files before calling SCR_Complete_restart, and it may no longer access its restart files upon calling SCR_Complete_restart. SCR_Complete_restart must be called by all processes, including processes that did not read any files as part of the restart.

The parameter valid should be set to 1 if either the calling process read all of its files successfully or it read no files as part of the restart. Otherwise, the process should call SCR_Complete_restart with valid set to 0. SCR determines whether all processes read their checkpoint files successfully based on the values supplied in the valid parameter. SCR_Complete_restart only returns SCR_SUCCESS if all processes called with valid set to 1, meaning that all processes succeeded in their restart. The call returns the same value on all processes.

If the restart failed on any process, SCR loads the next most recent checkpoint, and the application can call SCR_Have_restart to determine whether a new checkpoint is available. An application can loop until it either successfully restarts from a checkpoint or it exhausts all known checkpoints.

Each call to SCR_Complete_restart must be preceded by a corresponding call to SCR_Start_restart.

General API


char* SCR_Get_version(void);

This function returns a string that indicates the version number of SCR that is currently in use. The caller must not free the returned version string.


int SCR_Should_exit(int* flag);

SCR_Should_exit provides a portable way for an application to determine whether it should halt its execution. This function is passed a pointer to an integer in flag. Upon returning from SCR_Should_exit, flag is set to the value 1 if the application should stop, and it is set to 0 otherwise. The call returns the same value in flag on all processes. It is recommended to call this function after each checkpoint.

It is critical for a job to stop early enough to leave time to copy datasets from cache to the prefix directory before the allocation expires. One can configure how early the job should exit within its allocation by setting the SCR_HALT_SECONDS parameter.

This call also enables a running application to react to external commands. For instance, if the application has been instructed to halt using the scr_halt command, then SCR_Should_exit relays that information.

Dataset Management API

SCR provides functions to manage existing datasets. These functions take a name argument, which corresponds to the same name the application assigned to the dataset when it called SCR_Start_output.


int SCR_Current(const char* name);

There are two reasons an application might call SCR_Current: to request a particular checkpoint before calling the Restart API, and to inform SCR about which checkpoint the application loaded if it does not call the Restart API.

An application can call SCR_Current to set the current marker within the SCR index file before it calls SCR_Have_restart. Any cached datasets that were created after the named checkpoint are deleted from cache. SCR will then load the specified checkpoint to restart the application.

For applications that opt to not call the SCR Restart API, it is recommended to call SCR_Current to notify SCR about which checkpoint it loaded. The application should pass the name of the checkpoint it restarted from in the name argument. This enables SCR to initialize its internal state to properly order any new datasets that the application creates after it restarts.


int SCR_Delete(const char* name);

Instruct SCR to delete a dataset. The application provides the name of the dataset to be deleted in the name argument. SCR deletes all application files and its own internal metadata associated with that dataset from both the prefix directory and cache. SCR also deletes any directories that become empty as a result of deleting the dataset files up to the SCR prefix directory.


int SCR_Drop(const char* name);

Instruct SCR to drop an entry for a dataset from the SCR index file. SCR removes the entry for that dataset, but it does not delete any data files. A common use for this function is to remove entries for datasets that an application or user has deleted outside of SCR. For instance, if an application deletes a dataset without calling SCR_Delete, it can call SCR_Drop to maintain a consistent view of available datasets in the SCR index file.

Space/time semantics

SCR imposes the following semantics which enable an application to limit where and when it accesses its data:

  • For best performance, a process of a given MPI rank may only access files previously written by itself or by processes having the same MPI rank in prior runs. We say that a rank “owns” the files it writes. Shared access to files is permitted, though that may reduce performance.

  • During a checkpoint/output phase, a process may only access files of the dataset between calls to SCR_Start_output and SCR_Complete_output. Once a process calls SCR_Complete_output it may no longer access any file it registered as part of that dataset through a call to SCR_Route_file.

  • During a restart, a process may only access files from the currently loaded checkpoint, and it must access those files between calls to SCR_Start_restart and SCR_Complete_restart. Once a process calls SCR_Complete_restart it may no longer access its restart files. SCR selects which checkpoint is considered to be the “most recent”.

These semantics enable SCR to cache files on devices that are not globally visible to all processes, such as node-local storage. Further, these semantics enable SCR to move, reformat, or delete files as needed, such that it can manage this cache.

SCR API state transitions


SCR API State Transition Diagram

Figure SCR API State Transition Diagram illustrates the internal states in SCR and which API calls can be used from within each state. The application must call SCR_Init before it may call any other SCR function, except for SCR_Config, and it may not call SCR functions after calling SCR_Finalize. Some calls transition SCR from one state to another as shown by the edges between states. Other calls are only valid when in certain states as shown in the boxes. For example, SCR_Have_restart is only valid within the Idle state. All SCR functions are implicitly collective across MPI_COMM_WORLD, except for SCR_Route_file and SCR_Get_version.