Integrate SCR

This section provides details on how to integrate the SCR API into an application. There are three steps to consider: Init/Finalize, Checkpoint, and Restart. It is recommended to restart using the SCR Restart API, but it is not required. Sections below describe each case. Additionally, there is a section describing how to configure SCR based on application settings.

The presentation here is a good way in practice to integrate SCR in steps. First, one can add calls to Init and Finalize and stop to check that the application successfully compiles, links, and runs with the SCR library. One can run the application with SCR_DEBUG=1 set to verify that SCR_Init is being called. Second, one can then add Output API calls and stop to verify that the application properly writes its checkpoints with SCR. Third, one can then add Restart API calls and stop to verify that the application successfully reads its checkpoints through SCR. Finally, one can add any necessary calls to configure SCR based on application options.

Using the SCR API

Before adding calls to the SCR library, consider that an application has existing checkpointing code that looks like the following:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  /* initialize our state from checkpoint file */
  state = restart();

  for (int t = 0; t < TIMESTEPS; t++) {
    /* ... do work ... */

    /* every so often, write a checkpoint */
    if (t % CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY == 0)

  return 0;

void checkpoint(int timestep) {
  /* rank 0 creates a directory on the file system,
   * and then each process saves its state to a file */

  /* define checkpoint directory for the timestep */
  char checkpoint_dir[256];
  sprintf(checkpoint_dir, "timestep.%d", timestep);

  /* get rank of this process */
  int rank;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

  /* rank 0 creates directory on parallel file system */
  if (rank == 0) mkdir(checkpoint_dir);

  /* hold all processes until directory is created */

  /* build file name of checkpoint file for this rank */
  char checkpoint_file[256];
  sprintf(checkpoint_file, "%s/rank_%d.ckpt",
    checkpoint_dir, rank

  /* each rank opens, writes, and closes its file */
  FILE* fs = fopen(checkpoint_file, "w");
  if (fs != NULL) {
    fwrite(checkpoint_data, ..., fs);

  /* wait for all files to be closed */

  /* rank 0 updates the pointer to the latest checkpoint */
  FILE* fs = fopen("latest", "w");
  if (fs != NULL) {
    fwrite(checkpoint_dir, ..., fs);

void* restart() {
  /* rank 0 broadcasts directory name to read from,
   * and then each process reads its state from a file */

  /* get rank of this process */
  int rank;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

  /* rank 0 reads and broadcasts checkpoint directory name */
  char checkpoint_dir[256];
  if (rank == 0) {
    FILE* fs = fopen("latest", "r");
    if (fs != NULL) {
      fread(checkpoint_dir, ..., fs);
  MPI_Bcast(checkpoint_dir, sizeof(checkpoint_dir), MPI_CHAR, ...);

  /* build file name of checkpoint file for this rank */
  char checkpoint_file[256];
  sprintf(checkpoint_file, "%s/rank_%d.ckpt",
    checkpoint_dir, rank

  /* each rank opens, reads, and closes its file */
  FILE* fs = fopen(checkpoint_file, "r");
  if (fs != NULL) {
    fread(state, ..., fs);

  return state;

The following code exemplifies the changes necessary to integrate SCR. Each change is numbered for further discussion below.


You must add calls to SCR_Init and SCR_Finalize in order to start up and shut down the library. The SCR library uses MPI internally, and all calls to SCR must be from within a well defined MPI environment, i.e., between MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize.

For example, one can modify the source to look something like this:

/**** change #0 ****/
#include "scr.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  /* add optional calls to SCR_Config() to configure SCR
   * based on application command line options */
  //SCR_Configf("SCR_PREFIX=%s", ...);

  /**** change #1 ****/

  state = restart();

  for (int t = 0; t < TIMESTEPS; t++) {
    /* ... do work ... */

    /**** change #2 ****/
    int need_checkpoint;
    if (need_checkpoint)

    /**** change #3 ****/
    int should_exit;
    if (should_exit)

  /**** change #4 ****/

  return 0;

First, as noted in change #0, include the SCR header in any source file where SCR calls are added.

As shown in change #1, one must call SCR_Init() to initialize the SCR library before it can be used. SCR uses MPI, so SCR must be initialized after MPI has been initialized. Internally, SCR duplicates MPI_COMM_WORLD during SCR_Init, so MPI messages from the SCR library do not mix with messages sent by the application.

Additionally, one may configure SCR with calls to SCR_Config. Any calls to SCR_Config must come before SCR_Init. Because it is common to configure SCR based on application command line options provided by the user, it is typical to call SCR_Init after application command line processing. For some common examples with SCR_Config, see Configure SCR for application settings.

Then, as shown in change #4, one should shut down the SCR library by calling SCR_Finalize(). This must be done before calling MPI_Finalize(). Some applications contain multiple calls to MPI_Finalize. In such cases, be sure to account for each call. It is important to call SCR_Finalize, because SCR flushes any cached dataset to the prefix directory at this point.

As shown in change #2, the application may rely on SCR to determine when to checkpoint by calling SCR_Need_checkpoint(). SCR can be configured with information on failure rates and checkpoint costs for the particular host platform, so this function provides a portable method to guide an application toward an optimal checkpoint frequency. For this, the application should call SCR_Need_checkpoint at each opportunity that it could checkpoint, e.g., at the end of each time step, and then initiate a checkpoint when SCR advises it to do so. An application may ignore the output of SCR_Need_checkpoint, and it does not have to call the function at all. The intent of SCR_Need_checkpoint is to provide a portable way for an application to determine when to checkpoint across platforms with different reliability characteristics and different file system speeds.

Also note how the application can call SCR_Should_exit to determine whether it is time to stop as shown in change #3. This is important so that an application stops with sufficient time remaining to copy datasets from cache to the parallel file system before the allocation expires. It is recommended to call this function after completing a checkpoint.


To actually write a checkpoint, there are three steps. First, the application must call SCR_Start_output with the SCR_FLAG_CHECKPOINT flag to define the start boundary of a new checkpoint. It must do this before it creates any file belonging to the new checkpoint. Then, the application must call SCR_Route_file for each file that it will write in order to register the file with SCR and to acquire the full path to be used to open the file. Finally, it must call SCR_Complete_output to define the end boundary of the checkpoint.

Every process must call SCR_Start_output and SCR_Complete_output, even if the process does not write any files during the checkpoint. These two functions are collective over all processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD. Only processes that write files need to call SCR_Route_file. All files registered through a call to SCR_Route_file between a given SCR_Start_output and SCR_Complete_output pair are considered to be part of the same checkpoint file set.

Some example SCR checkpoint code looks like the following:

void checkpoint(int timestep) {
  /* each process saves its state to a file */

  /**** change #5 ****/
  char ckpt_name[SCR_MAX_FILENAME];
  snprintf(ckpt_name, sizeof(ckpt_name), "timestep.%d", timestep);
  SCR_Start_output(ckpt_name, SCR_FLAG_CHECKPOINT);

  /* define checkpoint directory for the timestep */
  char checkpoint_dir[256];
  sprintf(checkpoint_dir, "timestep.%d", timestep);

  /* get rank of this process */
  int rank;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

  /**** change #6 ****/
      if (rank == 0)

      // hold all processes until directory is created

  /* build file name of checkpoint file for this rank */
  char checkpoint_file[256];
  sprintf(checkpoint_file, "%s/rank_%d.ckpt",
    checkpoint_dir, rank

  /**** change #7 ****/
  char scr_file[SCR_MAX_FILENAME];
  SCR_Route_file(checkpoint_file, scr_file);

  /**** change #8 ****/
  /* each rank opens, writes, and closes its file */
  int valid = 1;
  FILE* fs = fopen(scr_file, "w");
  if (fs != NULL) {
    int write_rc = fwrite(checkpoint_data, ..., fs);
    if (write_rc == 0) {
      /* failed to write file, mark checkpoint as invalid */
      valid = 0;
  } else {
    /* failed to open file, mark checkpoint as invalid */
    valid = 0;

  /**** change #9 ****/
      // wait for all files to be closed

      // rank 0 updates the pointer to the latest checkpoint
      FILE* fs = fopen("latest", "w");
      if (fs != NULL) {
        fwrite(checkpoint_dir, ..., fs);

  /**** change #10 ****/

As shown in change #5, the application must inform SCR when it is starting a new checkpoint by calling SCR_Start_output() with the SCR_FLAG_CHECKPOINT. The application should provide a name for the checkpoint, and all processes must provide the same name and the same flags values. In this example, the application timestep is used to name the checkpoint. For applications that create a directory to hold all files of a checkpoint, the name of the directory often serves as a good value for the SCR checkpoint name.

The application must inform SCR when it has completed the checkpoint with a corresponding call to SCR_Complete_output() as shown in change #10. When calling SCR_Complete_output(), each process sets the valid flag to indicate whether it wrote all of its checkpoint files successfully. Note how a valid variable has been added to track any errors while writing the checkpoint.

SCR manages checkpoint directories, so the mkdir operation is removed in change #6. Additionally, the application can rely on SCR to track the latest checkpoint, so the logic to track the latest checkpoint is removed in change #9.

Between the call to SCR_Start_output() and SCR_Complete_output(), the application must register each of its checkpoint files by calling SCR_Route_file() as shown in change #7. As input, the process may provide either an absolute or relative path to its checkpoint file. If given a relative path, SCR internally prepends the current working directory to the path when SCR_Route_file() is called. In either case, the fully resolved path must be located somewhere within the prefix directory. If SCR copies the file to the parallel file system, it writes the file to this path. When storing the file in cache, SCR “routes” the file by replacing any leading directory on the file name with a path that points to a cache directory. SCR returns this routed path as output.

As shown in change #8, the application must use the exact string returned by SCR_Route_file() to open its checkpoint file.

Restart with SCR

To use SCR for restart, the application must call SCR_Have_restart to determine whether SCR has a previous checkpoint loaded. If there is a checkpoint available, the application can call SCR_Start_restart to tell SCR that it is initiating a restart operation.

The application must call SCR_Route_file to acquire the full path to each file that it will read during the restart. The calling process can specify either an absolute or relative path in its input file name. If given a relative path, SCR internally prepends the current working directory when SCR_Route_file() is called. The fully resolved path must be located somewhere within the prefix directory and it must correspond to a file associated with the particular checkpoint name that SCR returned in SCR_Start_restart.

After the application reads its checkpoint files, it must call SCR_Complete_restart to indicate that it has completed reading its checkpoint files. If any process fails to read its checkpoint files, SCR_Complete_restart returns something other than SCR_SUCCESS on all processes and SCR prepares the next most recent checkpoint if one is available. The application can try again with another call to SCR_Have_restart.

For backwards compatibility, the application can provide just a file name in SCR_Route_file during restart, even if the combination of the current working directory and the provided file name do not specify the correct path on the parallel file system. This usage is deprecated, and it may be not be supported in future releases. Instead it is recommended that one construct the full path to the checkpoint file using information from the checkpoint name returned by SCR_Start_restart.

Some example SCR restart code may look like the following:

void* restart() {
  /* each process reads its state from a file */

  /**** change #12 ****/
  int restarted = 0;
  while (! restarted) {

    /**** change #13 ****/
    int have_restart = 0;
    char ckpt_name[SCR_MAX_FILENAME];
    SCR_Have_restart(&have_restart, ckpt_name);
    if (! have_restart) {
      /* no checkpoint available from which to restart */

    /**** change #14 ****/

    /* get rank of this process */
    int rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

    /**** change #15 ****/
        // rank 0 reads and broadcasts checkpoint directory name
        char checkpoint_dir[256];
        if (rank == 0) {
          FILE* fs = fopen("latest", "r");
          if (fs != NULL) {
            fread(checkpoint_dir, ..., fs);
        MPI_Bcast(checkpoint_dir, sizeof(checkpoint_dir), MPI_CHAR, ...);

    /**** change #16 ****/
    /* build path of checkpoint file for this rank given the checkpoint name */
    char checkpoint_file[256];
    sprintf(checkpoint_file, "%s/rank_%d.ckpt",
      ckpt_name, rank

    /**** change #17 ****/
    char scr_file[SCR_MAX_FILENAME];
    SCR_Route_file(checkpoint_file, scr_file);

    /**** change #18 ****/
    /* each rank opens, reads, and closes its file */
    int valid = 1;
    FILE* fs = fopen(scr_file, "r");
    if (fs != NULL) {
      int read_rc = fread(state, ..., fs);
      if (read_rc == 0) {
        /* failed to read file, mark restart as invalid */
        valid = 0;
    } else {
      /* failed to open file, mark restart as invalid */
      valid = 0;

    /**** change #19 ****/
    int rc = SCR_Complete_restart(valid);

    /**** change #20 ****/
    restarted = (rc == SCR_SUCCESS);

  if (restarted) {
    return state;
  } else {
    return new_run_state;

With SCR, the application can attempt to restart from its most recent checkpoint, and if that fails, SCR loads the next most recent checkpoint. This process continues until the application successfully restarts or exhausts all available checkpoints. To enable this, we create a loop around the restart process, as shown in change #12.

For each attempt, the application must first call SCR_Have_restart() to determine whether SCR has a checkpoint available as shown in change #13. If there is a checkpoint, the application calls SCR_Start_restart() as shown in change #14 to inform SCR that it is beginning its restart. The application logic to identify the latest checkpoint is removed in change #15, since SCR manages which checkpoint to load. The application should use the checkpoint name returned in SCR_Start_restart() to construct the path to its checkpoint file as shown in change #16. In this case, the checkpoint name is the same as the checkpoint directory, so the path to the file is easy to compute. The application obtains the path to its checkpoint file by calling SCR_Route_file() in change #17. It uses this path to open the file for reading in change #18. After the process reads each of its checkpoint files, it informs SCR that it has completed reading its data with a call to SCR_Complete_restart() in change #19.

When calling SCR_Complete_restart(), each process sets the valid flag to indicate whether it read all of its checkpoint files successfully. Note how a valid variable has been added to track whether the process successfully reads its checkpoint.

As shown in change #20, SCR returns SCR_SUCCESS from SCR_Complete_restart() if all processes succeeded. If the return code is something other than SCR_SUCCESS, then at least one process failed to restart. In that case, SCR loads the next most recent checkpoint if one is available, and the application can call SCR_Have_restart() to iterate through the process again.

It is not required for an application to loop on failed restarts, but SCR allows for that. SCR never loads a checkpoint that is known to be incomplete or one that is explicitly marked as invalid, though it is still possible the application will encounter an error while reading those files on restart. If an application fails to restart from a checkpoint, SCR marks that checkpoint as invalid so that it will not attempt to load that checkpoint again in future runs.

It is possible to use the SCR Restart API even if the application must restart from a global file system. For such applications, one should set SCR_GLOBAL_RESTART=1. Under this mode, SCR flushes any cached checkpoint to the prefix directory during SCR_Init, and it configures its restart operation to use cache bypass mode so that SCR_Route_file directs the application to read its files directly from the parallel file system.

Restart without SCR

If the application does not use SCR for restart, it should not make calls to SCR_Have_restart, SCR_Start_restart, SCR_Route_file, or SCR_Complete_restart during the restart. Instead, it should access files directly from the parallel file system.

When not using SCR for restart, one should set SCR_FLUSH_ON_RESTART=1, which causes SCR to flush any cached checkpoint to the file system during SCR_Init. Additionally, one should set SCR_FETCH=0 to disable SCR from loading a checkpoint during SCR_Init. The application can then read its checkpoint from the parallel file system after calling SCR_Init.

If the application reads a checkpoint that it previously wrote through SCR, it should call SCR_Current after SCR_Init to notify SCR which checkpoint that it restarted from. This lets SCR configure its internal state to properly track the ordering of new datasets that the application writes.

If restarting without SCR and if SCR_Current is not called, the value of the SCR_FLUSH counter will not be preserved between restarts. The counter will be reset to its upper limit with each restart. Thus each restart may introduce some offset in a sequence of periodic SCR flushes.

Configure SCR for application settings

Applications often provide their users with command line options or configuration files whose settings need to affect how SCR behaves. For this, one can call SCR_Config to configure SCR before calling SCR_Init.

For example, it is common for applications to provide an --output <dir> option that sets the directory in which datasets are written. One typically must set SCR_PREFIX to that same path:

SCR_Configf("SCR_PREFIX=%s", dir);

Many applications provide at least two restart modes: one in which the application restarts from its most recent checkpoint, and one in which the user names a specific checkpoint. To restart from the most recent checkpoint, one can just rely on the normal SCR behavior, since SCR restarts from the most recent checkpoint by default. In the case that a specific checkpoint is named, one can set SCR_CURRENT to the appropriate dataset name:

SCR_Configf("SCR_CURRENT=%s", ckptname);

Some applications provide users with options that determine file access patterns and the size of output datasets. For those, it may be useful to call SCR_Config to set parameters such as SCR_CACHE_BYPASS, SCR_GLOBAL_RESTART, and SCR_CACHE_SIZE.

A number of common configuration settings are listed in Common configurations.

Building with the SCR library

To compile and link with the SCR library, add the flags shown below to your compile and link lines. The value of the variable SCR_INSTALL_DIR should be the path to the installation directory for SCR.

Compile Flags


C Dynamic Link Flags

-L$(SCR_INSTALL_DIR)/lib64 -lscr -Wl,-rpath,$(SCR_INSTALL_DIR)/lib64

C Static Link Flags

-L$(SCR_INSTALL_DIR)/lib64 -lscr

Fortran Dynamic Link Flags

-L$(SCR_INSTALL_DIR)/lib64 -lscrf -Wl,-rpath,$(SCR_INSTALL_DIR)/lib64

Fortran Static Link Flags

-L$(SCR_INSTALL_DIR)/lib64 -lscrf


On some platforms the default library installation path will be /lib instead of /lib64.

If Spack was used to build SCR, the SCR_INSTALL_DIR can be found with:

spack location -i scr

For applications built with CMake, SCR provides an scrConfig.cmake package configuration file that defines C and Fortran targets for its shared and static libraries.

C Shared Library


C Static Library


Fortran Shared Library


Fortran Static Library


These targets define the compile and link flags necessary for SCR and its dependencies. For example, to compile and link to the SCR shared library, the CMakeLists.txt of a C application can use statements like:

ADD_EXECUTABLE(myapp myapp.c)

The SCR package configuration file is installed to ${SCR_INSTALL_DIR}/share/scr/cmake. One should include this path in the CMake prefix search path, e.g.,: